Set up in August 2001 the TAPA FOUNDATION is an international
cultural organization whose stated mission is to :
  • Develop the institutional capacities of the African museums ;
  • Promote Ivorian contemporary art ;
  • Create conditions conducive to its growth ;
  • Create a bridge between Africa and the other continents.

The objectives of the Foundation are to :

  • Promote the artists and their works ;
  • Ensure the coordination in the selection of artists and works ;
  • Set up an information office and gathering space for artists and art professionals ;
  • Develop the opening of African art to the world ;
  • Intensify Ivorians' cultural practices.

Origin of the name TAPA

What is the Tapa ?

Originating from Côte d'Ivoire , the Tapa designates a fabric made from tree
bark and used for garments in traditional society.

The Tapa was an item of great value conferring its owner, individual or family,
a status of nobility.
Ancestral item, valuable even in modern times, the Tapa is still used
for the great initiation ceremonies or major cultural events.

The Tapa is also used very much as the usual canvas by a great deal
of African visual artists because its organic fibres are resistant and solid.

By identifying with such an artistic item of great value, intends to redeem, promote,
and ennoble the image of African art. Like the Tapa,
the Foundation thus constitutes a considerable aid for artists and
art professionals in the sector
of African contemporary art.

Organisation of the Foundation

The Foundation is headed by a General Assembly.
It has an executive committee including :

  • The Founding Chairperson : Mrs. Kassi, Director of Contemporary
    Art Municipal Museum of Cocody ;
  • A Secretary General ;
  • A Commission in charge of communication ;
  • A Commission in charge of finance ;
  • An audtorship

The following are some of the Tapa Foundation's achievements :

  • A 50-page four-color catalogue (in 2002) of visual artists and designers
  • A movie on young visual artists of Côte d'Ivoire (in 2002)
  • A donation of computer hardware to eight (8) museums and similar
    institutions (August 2004)
  • A donation of computer hardware to thirteen (13) art institutions (October 2005)

    •  A workshop of reflection for directors of museums and similar institutions

With the theme : What development strategies for the Ivorian museums ?

held at the M'Ploussoué Park of Bonoua ( 12 October, 2005 )


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